Archery Picnic – June 2024

The sun shone on the archers for their summer picnic. But the food and drink had to be earned – so a session of sizzling archery in the All Saints Sun prepared one and all for the feast.

When polling the members, each and every one admitted to scoring a gold (bulls eye), some suggested that they scored several golds and one (unnamed) member suggested they managed to pierce the cross-hairs in the centre of the gold.

To be fair to that member, Ken acted as a witness and (somewhat grumpily) confirmed the story. This feat of archery magic usually gets photographed but, sadly, on this occasion, Ken said his Box Brownie was out of film. Typical!

So a great afternoon of shooting was had by all.

Here are a few photos of the group (including the unnamed member) and the picnic table. Most of the food was made with love by members.

How lucky are we to live where we live and with friends to share it ?