Our session on the 2nd of July was another great session. A good turnout again and some good scoring.
One of our members has very kindly donated a cup, to be known as the David Lench Trophy. David was a stalwart of the club and a very good archer. He sadly passed in 2020. What a lovely way to remember him. We are hoping that his wife, Margaret, will present the trophy at the end of the season.
We needed to decide exactly what the cup would be awarded for. This led to a very lively debate at our mid-session tea and biscuit break! Highest score for the season? Most golds in a session? Most “grass shots” (John)? …and the list went on.
There was no conclusion on the day, but an email vote is underway. We will keep you posted.
So here are a few photos of the session. A couple of photos show the metal detector. This is an essential tool, especially in long grass or recently mown grass. We never leave the field until we’ve found all of the grass shots.
Click a photo to zoom in.