Welcome to the All Saints Pantomime Society
The Society is an inclusive group of people who get together, mainly in the Autumn and Winter, to put on a pantomime for both the local neighbourhood and surrounding areas.
Started over 20 years ago, it has developed into a thriving community in it’s own right. It’s a great social gathering of families and individuals getting involved in the productions in many different ways. This might be being on stage, costume design, set construction, operating lights and curtain through to manning the bar during performances and other front of house activities.
Our productions have been many and varied ranging from the traditional tales of Sleeping Beauty and Little Red Riding Hood to the more eclectic titles of Ali the Barber meets Dr Who and The Good, the Bad and the Cider. It should be noted that all scripts are original compositions created by either individuals or a group of like-minded (?) people.
If you’d like to get involved in any way at all, please contact one of the committee whose details can be found in the Panto Society Administration section. You know you want to. Oh! Yes you do!
If you don’t want to be actively involved in a production but would like an evening of great local entertainment, then come and support us in the audience. Keep an eye out for the advertisements (usually around Christmas time). The productions are always performed over the last weekend of January/first weekend in February.
We look forward to seeing you.
The Pantomime Committee