Welcome to COGS

Cogs is a social group for all ladies over the age of 16, providing friendship and fun.

Cogs is not an acronym, though various suggestions for meaning have been made (!)  It simply means ‘working together to move forward,’ as cogs do.

We meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 2pm in All Saints Village Hall.  At most meetings, we have a guest speaker and share cups of tea with cake and biscuits, provided by members. 

We have plenty of time to chat to old friends and to make new ones.  Each month, our activities are advertised in local newletters and on posters.  Visitors are always welcome. It may be they visit as a one off because they are drawn to the guest speaker, or with a view to becoming members.  We share meals out in local restaurants and, occasionally go on trips.

You can see the current programme of events and speakers in the flip-book below. Click on the cover to see the programme.

COGS Schedule


Here is an archive or our news items.

Click on a headline to read the full article.