The Archery session on the 23rd of July was the first session to introduce our new competition.
Following an online vote, Peter Spencer’s suggested format has been adopted. This is to be known as the All Gold Competition.
Briefly, this means that for defined sessions, each archer will use 6 arrows per round and shoot as normal, but any golds will be left in the target.
At the end of the session, the golds will be counted and recorded. If an archer scores 6 golds before the session ends, they remove their arrows and then continue shooting, adding any additional golds to the previous 6.
The David Lench Trophy will be awarded to the archer with the highest total at the end of the season.
Note from the editor – Phew! The competition wasn’t live last week when Bev scored 8 golds in the session.
What a to-do!
Now an archer that “misunderstands” the rules could throw a spanner in the works. Might they be deliberately using 8 arrows per round instead of the regulation 6? What if they aren’t discovered until late into the session? Does the fact that they are a Councillor influence any sanction?
Well, the anonymous archer (Glenn, see photo) held his hand up to the transgression. After amicable discussion between that archer and the adjudicator, it was agreed to multiply his final score by 6 and divide by 8. The adjusted score is shown in the table below.
Oh! Dear Oh! Dear – whatever next?
This, of course, is all taken in good humour and much hilarity ensued. Jokingly, headlines for this news article were suggested such as “Parish Councillor found guilty” and “Cheating discovered in Archery Competition”, but these were all dismissed – we decided to go with “Someone (?) gets a telling off”.
Getting back to the session, there were a good number of golds scored and recorded. The weather was fine, the wind was light and the tea, biscuits and banter were great (as usual).
Current Scores Table
Archer | Current Score |
Glenn | 6 |
Bev | 5 |
Roy | 5 |
Jim | 3 |
Mike J | 2 |
Hazel | 1 |
Forthcoming Excitement
On 13th of August, it’s Archery Picnic time (again!). We’re all looking forward to sharing the picnic with the Cogs ladies – and not just because there will be lots of delicious home-made goodies to eat. On the 21st of August, we are hosting the Axminster WI – to introduce them to archery and possibly recruit some new members. We did this last year and it was a great success.
Anyway, that’s enough for today – updates on scores (and claims of cheating?) will follow in later articles. Don’t forget, if you want to give archery a try, come on down or contact Ken… You know you want to.
Tarrr-rarrr for now.