Hello everyone,
Linda Ledingham, our Parish Council clerk, has asked me to circulate the message below regarding the Parish Council event taking place next Saturday in the village hall.
Personally, I cannot ever remember an event like this in the past so please take this great opportunity to come along and talk to them in an informal setting, unconstrained by meeting protocols. They want to hear all your views, suggestions, etc., and, knowing them all personally, I can assure you that they are a very friendly bunch and don’t bite, so don’t hold back!
Don’t forget to come along to the Village Hill for the “Meet the Council” Event on 23rd November 2024 from 09.30 am to 12.00 pm. It is a great opportunity to meet your Parish Councillors, find out about what the Parish Council does and what it hopes to achieve for our community. Refreshments will be provided.