NHW! What Goes Round Comes Round!

Hello everyone,

In the years I’ve been sending out messages on behalf of Neighbourhood Watch, this is not the first time that I’ve had to distribute a message on this subject. Yes, not perhaps a welcome return but it’s our old friend, the cold caller (somewhat appropriately for January!). They appears on your doorstep to offer you the benefits of their services, be they horticultural or building maintenance and, of course, we mustn’t forget that old favourite, tarmacing.

From this message I’ve received from the police, they seem to be active again in East Devon – maybe they’re trying to cash in on our New Year resolutions to get round to fixing something around the place. I hasten to add that there may well be perfectly good tradespeople amongst them offering their services but the advice from the police given below should help people who may be uncertain what to do.

Given that the bad ones commonly target the elderly and/or infirm who might be more likely to fall for their ‘persuasive charms’ and also given that some of these people may not receive this message, if you have a member of your family, friend or neighbour who might be potentially more susceptible to these tactics, please pass the message on.



Cold Callers – East Devon

We have been made aware that there may be cold callers offering home and garden maintenance services in the East Devon area.

If you want work doing in your home or garden please consider the following advice.

  • Don’t agree to work offered by unsolicited doorstep callers.
  • Don’t rely on posts or recommendations on social media sites without doing your own research.
  • Don’t be swayed by glossy flyers or impressive websites as they may not show the trader’s own work.
  • Don’t pay cash or agree to be taken to the bank or immediately transfer money before any work is started.
  • Don’t be rushed into making a decision.
  • Get three written quotes from reputable businesses.
  • Research the companies you’re looking to use e.g. ask for references and look online.
  • Ask friends and family to recommend local traders or search via Buy with confidence
  • Decide who to use in your own time and make sure you have confidence in their skills and abilities.
  • Ask to see professional qualifications, public liability insurance and if applicable waste carriers licence.
  • Make sure you have full contact details for a tradesperson not just a mobile phone number.
  • Check if you’re entitled to your 14-day cooling-off period. 
  • If someone knocks on your door and you are not sure, don’t open the door.
  • If you are concerned someone is at risk, always call the police.
  • If you are concerned rogue traders are operating in your area, always report it.
  • If a company claims to be working with a local council, contact the local council yourself to check this is true.
  • If you have concerns, or have any information please contact Trading Standards or police by phoning 101, if possible, please make a note of any descriptions and vehicle registrations seen.

Please phone 999 if immediate/or a crime is taking place.

Please pass this information on to neighbours and consider displaying on notice boards etc.
Thank you.

Message Sent By
Devon & Cornwall Police – Alert Team