PRoWlers’ Progress – 20th August and 11th September

Welcome to Episode 7 of the PRoWlers’ Progress.

Enough of all that “celebrity” nonsense in the last episode (surely that’s what Strictly’s for?) – let’s get this show back on the road (ahem… path I mean).

Right… if you are just about to eat your breakfast – STOP READING NOW! Come back here after you have finished because the first bit of this episode is a tad unpleasant.

First off, I want to tell you about something Jonny saw when he was out walking recently.  He was strolling along one of our lanes enjoying the sound of silence and snacking on hedgerow blackberries, when he heard a “whoosh… click click click” from behind.  He was soon overtaken by a gentleman riding a bicycle with his dog on a lead attached to the handlebars trotting alongside.

Cartoon image of man riding his bike with a dog in tow
Not the real Phantom Cyclist!

So that’s all fine and dandy, until the dog needs to attend to its business.  Poor thing simply had to keep trotting whilst doing what dogs do.  The bicycle rider was oblivious that pup had left a deposit (or three) punctuating the lane in his wake.  Having ridden off into the distance, there was no way Jonny could point this out to anyone other than a passing magpie (which he did!  I think the magpie was shocked by Jonny’s language).

Further along Jonny’s walk, more of the same. Definitely the same pattern of poo dotting the lane. No doubt you could have followed this trail back to the poor pup’s kennel, but Jonny chose to simply go home and tell his long suffering darling wife… oh! and me of course.

Why am I telling you this unsavoury story? Well mostly because Jonny asked me to, but also to ask everyone who reads this to keep a look out for the phantom cyclist and his dog! People huh!?

Now on to Proper Prowling…

As the seasons change, much of the growth is slowing down, so Ricky and Jonny are having a short trimming and strimming holiday. 

But Ricky wanted to go exploring (obviously his knee is improving slowly), so on the 20th August Ricky and Jonny went to visit Footpath 34.  This is the path that was officially diverted at its north end to avoid passing through Yarde Farm.  They set out at the Churchill Steps (more on those later) and were trying to use the map to follow the path to its end at the parish’s northern boundary.  However, they had some difficulty simply because the map was out of date (it still showed the route through the farmyard) and the new route was not obvious.

This reminded them of an idea they had a while ago. Why not attach a number to each way-marker or finger-post? This would show the official footpath (or bridleway) numbers as they appear on the map.  There’ll be more about this in a later episode – it’ll be a major improvement and very exciting I think you’ll agree… but here’s a taster.

Image of prototype footpath marker sign
PRoWlers Producing Punched Prototypes (PPPP) of footpath markers in Ricky’s workshop

On the very next prowl (11th September), they re-walked Footpath 34, counting and assessing how many number discs they would need… then re-re-walked the path this time making notes (don’t laugh – it’s not funny) of any paths that intersect with FP34 – ‘cos if you’re numbering a post and updating its way-marker etc, then why not add any other numbers at the same time – otherwise you’re wandering about from pillar to post [literally] checking and redoing where you’ve already been! 

For FP34 alone, they need 14 number signs, plus some others (FP36, BW72 and FP44) to clarify the junctions.  They also want to “refresh” some of the older way-markers that are showing their age.  This is a long-term winter project but very worthwhile.

On their return journey to Prowler Base Camp, they stopped off at Footpath 56 for a quick tidy-up of the narrow entrance off Goldsmiths Lane to South Common.  It was worth them bringing the tools out in the Prowler Mobile after all.  They also got to see a real local celebrity who hangs out there – The Black Rabbit – and that always cheers them up.

So after a proper bit of long distance prowling, it was back to base for tea and home-made biscuits – Yum!

The Churchill Steps – aka the ‘Stairway To Heaven’. 

Image of Ricky looking slightly scary standing on the Churchill Steps
Soon, the world will be mine… and these steps will be rebuilt!

These wooden steps were installed quite a while ago and are now well past their “best before” date – so Ricky and Jonny asked a selection of local handy-persons to quote for their repair or replacement.  It immediately became evident that full replacement was the only sensible option.  So, with the quotes in, they have chosen a contractor who will be completely replacing the woodwork and re-cutting and rebuilding the steps. This work will probably start at the beginning of October (this year!) so keep a look out.

STOP PRESS!An update on the re-routed path around Yarde Farm: It appears Ricky has other talents other than wielding a weed-wacker – he can use Photoshop. A bit. After a bout of computer bashing he produced an updated map with the new route on. This means all of us will be able to download the new map AND Yarde farm will be able to get on without bemused walkers wandering into their farmyard looking for Footpath 34. Nice.

Drag the slider to compare the subtle but important change to the map.
Note the revised route does NOT go through Yarde Farm’s farmyard but passes to the north

One Final Thing

One final thing Ricky asked me to mention.  If you read these episodes and enjoy them, simply click the LIKE button at the foot of this page or even the SHARE button if you’re into that Social Media malarky.

Good walking and follow the Countryside Code. And don’t forget –SHUT THAT GATE! See you soon.